North Woods

Tree Service LLC

Discover Our Services

Tree Removal

Providing expert tree pruning and removal services to enhance your outdoor space.

Stump Grinding

From tree trimming to stump grinding to bucket services, we have the skills to meet your unique needs.

Storm Damage Services

Our expert team is experienced in storm-damage tree removal.


Trust our experienced team to handle any tree-related job with precision and care.

“We take pride in providing top-notch tree pruning and removal services, in addition to stump grinding.

Our bucket services are also second to none, ensuring all your needs are met with precision and care.”

— North Woods Tree Service LLC

What people are saying.

  • John and his team just finished cutting and cleaning up 8 tall (over 100' ) white pine trees for us. They did an exceptional job. They will come back at a later date to grind the stumps, but if you need tree service, they are one of the best. Fast, reliable and very affordable! Glad we found them! Thanks, Cathy and Paul

    — Kathy S.

  • Absolutely recommend North Woods! Gave us an honest and fair quote and told us they’d be booked out about a month. Didn’t have to track them back down we were contacted within that timeframe and they did a fantastic job- all our downed trees were cleaned up and piled for us exactly as agreed with all the stumps ground out. Very friendly and professional.

    — Miranda M.

  • John and his team did a fantastic job of taking down a large pine tree that had been hit by lightning. The tree would have damaged our barns or house if it fell. They took it down quickly and safely before it could. Thank you!!

    — Jeff S

Get in Touch

Let us know how we can help with your tree pruning, removals, stump grinding & bucket service needs. We'll make sure to respond promptly.

Meet the Team

John Sargeant

Heather Sargeant